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太阳成集团tyc122cc学术报告:Spatial dynamics for time-periodic partially degenerate reaction-diffusion systems

发布日期:2024/07/04    点击:

报告题目Spatial dynamics for time-periodic partially degenerate reaction-diffusion systems





Partially degenerate reaction-diffusion systems (i.e., reaction-diffusion systems with some but not all diffusion coefficients being zeros) arises from may particular fields, such as biology and epidemiology. In this talk, we introduce some results on spatial dynamics for time-periodic partially degenerate reaction-diffusion systems. 

报告人简介:吴事良,西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院教授,博士生导师,陕西省科技创新团队带头人。现为中国数学会理事和陕西省数学会常务理事。主要研究方向为微分方程、动力系统及应用。主持国家自然科学基金4项和陕西省杰出青年科学基金1项;获陕西省科学技术奖一等奖2项、二等奖1项(第一完成人)、第十一届陕西青年科技奖。部分成果发表在J. Math Pures Appl.Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.SIAM J. Math Anal.Calc. Var. Partial Differential EquationsJ. Differential equationsNonlinearityJ. Dynam. Differential EquationsJ. Nonlinear Science等期刊。




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